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Organising Committee

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Dr Emma Lovell

 EF5 Conference  Co-Chairs and NetZeroNextGen Co-Chair

Senior Lecturer and ARC DECRA Fellow, ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy, Particle and Catalysis Research Lab (PartCat), School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney

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Dr Rahman Daiyan

 EF5 Conference  Co-Chairs & PFHN Symposium Co-Chairs

Senior Lecturer and ARC DECRA Fellow, ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy, Particle and Catalysis Research Lab (PartCat), School of Mineral Energy and Resources Engineering, UNSW Sydney

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Dr Jingjing You

NetZeroNextGen Co-Chair 

University of Sydney

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Dr Zhipeng Ma

GlobH2E Summer School Committee

ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy, Particle and Catalysis Research Lab (PartCat), School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney

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Dr Shujie Zhou

GlobH2E Summer School Committee

ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy, Particle and Catalysis Research Lab (PartCat), School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney

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Dr Denny Gunawan

GlobH2E Summer School Committee

ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy, Particle and Catalysis Research Lab (PartCat), School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney

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Mr Michael Gunawan

GlobH2E Summer schoool Committee

ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy, Particle and Catalysis Research Lab (PartCat), School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney

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Dr Muhammad Haider Ali Khan

GlobH2E Summer School Committee

ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy, Particle and Catalysis Research Lab (PartCat), School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney


Dr Peter Ellersdorfer

GlobH2E Summer School Committee

ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy, Particle and Catalysis Research Lab (PartCat), School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney

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Dr Qiyuan Li

GlobH2E Summer School Committee

ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy, Particle and Catalysis Research Lab (PartCat), School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney

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Dr James Christian

PFHN Symposium Committee

Power Fuels including Hydrogen Network, UNSW Sydney


Professor Francois Aguey-Zinsou

Advisor EF5 Conference and GlobH2E Summer School

ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy, Materials Energy Research Laboratory in Nanoscale (MERLIN), School of Chemistry, University of Sydney


Scientia Professor Rose Amal

Advisor EF5 Conference and GlobH2E Summer School & PFHN Symposium Co-Chair

ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy, Particle and Catalysis Research Lab (PartCat), School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney


Azrah Samsudeen

Conference Secretariat

Power Fuels including Hydrogen Network & ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy, Particle and Catalysis Research Lab (PartCat), School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney

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Dr Mandalena Hermawan

Conference Secretariat

ARC Training Centre for the Global Hydrogen Economy, Particle and Catalysis Research Lab (PartCat), School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney

Host Organisation

Host Organisations

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@2024 - Design by Partcatian

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